Why africa is third world country? Because they use shit as a drug:
Posted by spiritualized on 2007.10.31 at 08:43
Jenkem originated in Africa and other third world countries by fermenting raw sewage to create a gas which is inhaled to achieve a high. Jenkem is a homemade substance which consists of fecal matter and urine. The fecal matter and urine are placed in a bottle and covered most commonly with a balloon. The container is then placed in a sunny area for several hours or days until fermented. The contents will separate and release a gas which is captured in the balloon. Inhaling the gas is said to have a euphoric high similar to ingesting cocaine but with strong hallucinations of times past.
Several articles indicate that the subject passes out immediately then retains a hallucinogenic state within seconds of regaining consciousness. The high has been described as a feeling of "being out of it" and talking to dead people. The feeling of "being out of it" may last for several hours or days. All subjects who used the Jenkem disliked the taste of sewage in their mouth and the fact the taste continued for several days.
Street/slang names: Winnie, poo poo, Runners, Fruit from the Crack Pipe, Leroy Jenkems, Might, Butthash, and Waste
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