10 Jūlijs 2007 @ 10:15
If I'd missed the taxi
Or found nothing good to wear
But for some uncertain reason
Some strange uncertain reason
This is how it all
It all began

Why go?
Why go?
When you could stay a while

If I made some coffee
Would you sit and talk some more?
I know words are usually pointless
When you've used them all before

The way you smile fills the room
Stay a while kick off your shoes
Don't go
Please stay
It always happens this way

Jā, laikam jāsaņemas un jāiet 26. septembrī uz arēnu
Kaut kas paņemošs viņos ir. Vismaz vecajos gabalos. Ar jaunajiem vēl jāiepazīstas...
Mūzika: Faithless - Wy Go?
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spies[info]spies on 11. Jūlijs 2007 - 11:53
Biļešu cenas no 20 līdz 40 Ls.
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Ieva[info]_iipashaa_ on 11. Jūlijs 2007 - 18:45
ja dosies ņemsi mani līdz??? :)
(Atbildēt) (Iepriekšējais) (Link)