" We can clearly see that there is no bi-univocal correspondence between
linear signifying links or archi-writing, depending on the author, and
this multireferential, multidimensional machinic catalysis. The
symmetry of scale, the transversality, the pathic non-discursive
character of their expansion: all these dimensions remove us from the
logic of the excluded middle and reinforce us in our dismissal of the
ontological binarism we criticised previously. A machinic assemblage,
through its diverse components, extracts its consistency by crossing
ontological thresholds, non-linear thresholds of irreversibility,
ontological and phylogenetic thresholds, creative thresholds of
heterogenesis and autopoiesis. The notion of scale needs to be expanded
to consider fractal symmetries in ontological terms." Pierre-Félix Guattari
Neapšaubāmi talantīgs ir bijis šo vārdu autors, tāpēc nav jābrīnās, ka viņš kļuva par plaši pazīstamu zinātnieku. Tik bagāta valoda, tik dziļa izpratne, nevarētu tacu būt, ka viņam nav taisnība. Ņemts no Džeimsa Randi