Soikina muldētava - Komentāri
Gudri d*** nav malku cirst.
Wow, Kvantu kibernētika. Wow!
Jūs nenovērtē? Visi Jūs uzskata par idiotu, bet Jūs gribat, lai Jūs uzskata par izglītotu un gudru? Nav nekā labāka par doktora grādu kvantu kibernētikā! Lūk tad gan Jūs visi cienīs! Vērsieties Kalifornijas Integrētāš Zinātnes Institūtā. Fascinējošs kursa apraksts šeit.

Quantum Cybernetics Masters and Ph.D. Program

Quantum Cybernetics was developed by Dr. Andreas Jell.

Overview and Course Goals: This program is dedicated to support personal and global evolution by incorporating Tachyon and Verticality into Chinese acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, shamanism and modern quantum mechanics, thereby offering and representing professionalism on an academic level.

The term "Quantum Cybernetics" derives from a deep understanding of the complex regulation mechanisms of a human body-mind-spirit system (cybernetics) on the highest and of the deepest levels of creation (quantum level). On a wide range, it unifies different traditional and modern concepts about creation, universal principles and energetic dynamics. A crucial factor is that it introduces quantum consciousness as a main component both in overall theory and practical application of methods and strategies.

The training is split into 3 periods, evolving both profound knowledge and practical experience of the study contents. It integrates and deepens tools and methods from Verticality, Tachyon Holistic Wellness and Tachopuncture, and harnesses modern and traditional systems of holistic health and spiritual evolution.

Period 1 Year 1: The main focus is on the regular functions of the organs and the meridian system.You will study the basic micro and macro functions of the organs and their interconnection and regulation pathways. Tachyonized Organ-Specifics are introduced into each topic with a detailed approach to contents, indications and resonances with organs, meridians and their points. The study method challenges the student on all levels of perception, facilitating a strong momentum for detoxifiation and transformation at the most profound level.

Period 2 Year 2: The focus is on pathology, entropic deviations including different systems of diagnosis (laboratory, physiognomy, kirlian/GDV, entrainment techniques) and advanced application strategies and techniques (classical pain and organ managements, OS's, Tachopuncture, core entrainment, launching, and specific techniques developed by Dr, Jell - core porjection, time leap and S-HIP).

Period 3 Year 3: Practical experience and individual integration including basic projects like holistic cleansing, ektropic nutrition, vertical Yoga, tantric relations and shamanic journey).

Please contact Dr. Jell directly for detailed information about this program and to receive the program catalog.

Pre-requisites for this program are Vertical Reality 101 and 201, Tachyon Holistic Wellness 101 and 201, and the Tachopuncture Combination course.


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Back Janvāris 2010
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