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izdomāju taisīt kārtējo sadaļu :) [Mar. 18th, 2010|11:36 pm]

larceny = thievery [воровство, кража]
aeon = eternity [бесконечность, вечность]
acquisitiveness = eager to get wealth, possessions, etc. [стяжательство; жажда наживы, жадность]
collateral = security pledged for the payment of a loan [гарантия, поручительство]
mortgage = a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed [заклад; ипотека]
carnal lusts = bodily desires, physical craving [плотское вожделение, похоть]
wren = any of numerous small, active songbirds of the family Troglodytidae [любая птица семейства воробьиных, крапивник]
swoon = faint [обморок, падать в обморок]
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