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kā viņi nosauca savas filmas? Jun. 5th, 2009|01:46 am

* Murder: By Reason of Insanity
* The Friday Night Knitting Club
* I Heard You Paint Houses
* The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
* Museum of Love
* The Many Deaths of Barnaby James
* The Little Shop of Horrors
* National Lampoon's Movie Madness
* Back When We Were Grownups
* The Cider House Rules
* The Romantic Englishwoman
* The Wrong Arm of the Law
* A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
* The Hill in Korea
* The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
* Dial M for Murder

[nu labi, pagaidām pietiks.. bet tas "the hill in korea" vai "a tree grows in brooklyn" ir mani favorīti. varētu bariņā paņemt arī tādus neeksistējošos šedevrus kā "the bridge in italy" vai "grass grows in the field".. vai, nezinu, "a dog lives on the street".. c'mon, people! kur ir jūsu imaginācija?!]
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