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maybe it would be better not to die at all? Feb. 27th, 2009|10:47 pm

1001 books you must read before you die
1001 movies you must see before you die
1001 albums you must hear before you die
1001 wines you must taste before you die
1001 foods you must eat before you die
1001 gardens you must see before you die
1001 golf holes you must play before you die
1001 historic sites you must see before you die
1001 songs you must sing before you die
1001 buildings you must see before you die
1001 places you must visit before you die
1001 lists you must read before you die
1001 lists you must make before you die
1001 lists you must avoid making before you die
1001 natural wonders you must see before you die
1001 disasters you must outlive before you die
1001 paintings you must see before you die
1001 complicated words you must use before you die
1001 questions you must answer before you die
1001 things you must find out before you die
1001 drinks you must drink before you die
1001 interviews you must read before you die
1001 photographs you must see before you die
1001 sculptures you must walk around before you die
1001 aromas you must smell before you die
1001 pens you must write out before you die
1001 commercials you must see before you die
1001 cars you must try before you die
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