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komunikācija level zero Apr. 9th, 2017|01:06 pm

we aren't people of many words at home.
we don't talk, don't praise, don't share much. i can't remember a single time my parents telling me they love me or are proud of me. I would probably burst into tears, like I do when something like that happens in the movies or talent shows on TV.

Bet vakar mēs ar tēti bijām pie vecmāmiņas, līmējām viņai tapetes. un es ņēmos ap elektrības kontaktu, kad tētis pateica:
- "Tu tur uzmanīgi! Kgan tev jau ir pieredze.." - atsaucoties uz manu piedzīvojumu ar nogrieztas dakšas ielikšanu kontaktā un metāla vadu satvēršanu, kad man bija apmēram 2 gadi..
- "Hā, bet es neko no tā neatceros."
- "Toties es atceros." - un viņa balsī bija kkas drūms un viņš dīvaini uz mani skatījās.
And that moment felt very intimate and full of parental love.. and even somewhat uncomfortable with so many emotions in the air.
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