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Things I have to say pusčetros no rīta Feb. 19th, 2016|03:33 am

Tie slimie serial killer and crazy obsessed detective kinda seriāli ir forši. I've been missing this sick entertainment in my life. Feels good having the vibe back.

My soul is definitely not orange.

I've gone soft. And lazy.

Sāk šķist, ka mani garastāvokļi iet uz apli. Vientulībai, vīriešu nīšanasi, sevis nievāšanai, ambīcijām, melnajai bedrei, pašnāvnieciskām nosliecēm, fitnessatkarībai, pasaules bezjēdzībai u.c. ir tāda sava iekšējā rotācijas prakse manī, kura, ļoti iespējams, saskan ar kkādām mēness fāzēm, should probably check that.

- Why should she call you? Why don't you call her?
- I don't know what to say to her.
- And you're dying to talk to her.
- I miss her terribly.
- You don't have to. (by the way - it is getting old - you thinking of her and not being a good enough friend at 3 a.m.)

- Furthermore - she's the only person you do trust, and she knows and appreciates it, though sometimes she does fall into dark pits of self-flagellation with thoughts of being unworthy.. that's her darkness.. and she's probably dying to talk to you too. So that's why you make such great uncommunicative friends.

It's weird and uncomfortable to see your doodles on other people's bodies, especially, when you don't neither like nor know these people. And you didn't draw that sketch for them.
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