Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - Post a comment [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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they all got their diplomas today Dec. 17th, 2013|10:15 pm

people keep asking - why are you so sad? [well the last one asked - why are you so angry?] but my mom and ance kept saying - 'I can hear/see there's something wrong.'

I think I'm not sad - I'm just tired and disappointed in myself, besides I'm suffering from sleep deprivation and caffeine overdose [drank more than a liter of black coffee today, and when at the end of the day bought more coffee from the coffee machine, I couldn't hold the cup any more, my hands were shaking like crazy :D ]

With only 2 days to go, there's still so much to do. I could just hide "in the back of a cave, where the rest of us go to feel normal". The funny thing - what I want to hide from the most is the Christmas party.
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