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turpat - vannasistabā Jan. 11th, 2010|02:14 am

- hey, do you remember a guy named Daniel from your school years?
- no. i don't think so.
- that's a pity! pour guy had an accident, lost most of his memories. i thought maybe some of the locals would know him..
- nobody does?
- well. not exactly. some have seen him but nobody knows, who he is. one girl at your from your school said she thought he might be called Daniel.
- you should ask the school-staff then..
- i did. some teachers remember somebody called Daniel Grobes, but they didn't know anything about him.
- you know my sister had a creepy guy in her class nobody noticed, though i don't know what his name was. she was in her own way sorry of him.
- could you arrange a meeting?
- probably not.
- why not?
- because.. if it is this guy, she would never agree to meet him.
- but WHY?
- he had something like a crush on her. he was even stalking her.
- really. so she might be the GIRL.
- "The Girl"?
- yeah. the one and only person from his past he has got an idea is some mysterious girl.
- well that just proves it -> there's no way my sister will agree to meet him. even after memory loss he has some part of obsession in him.
- c'mon! it may be the only chance for the guy to get his memory back.
- why do you think he needs his memory? why do you think he would like to know that nobody liked, knew or even noticed him? maybe it's better for him just to start blank?

to those who wonder
-> es nezinu, vai to man iečukstēja zobubirstes vai kāds cits. es nezinu, kāpēc es dzirdu pašas izdomātas sarunas. tēli nāk un runā ar mani, kad viņiem pašiem tīk. un tēli, kurus es uzņemu, nāk atkal un atkal. šodien edwardiņš skraidīja man atri apkārt un bija neredzams, bet runātīgs, kamēr es izslēpoju savus km cauri mežam. es viņu nesaucu - why should i. i'm not mad. i'm not crazy. he just comes and keeps me company from time to time.
i'm not crazy..

..i just have issues.

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