so_damn_insane's Journal
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Monday, February 23rd, 2009
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9:04a |
qotd (CS) iRaq, also known as "de_dust 2" | 11:29a |
mani iespaidoja True story: I arrived at the University of Chicago having studied Latin and Greek in high school, but no modern languages. Nonetheless, I was very interested in historical linguistics, and I signed up for Eric Hamp's seminar in Indo-European. The text (such as it was, this being a class with Eric Hamp) was Meillet's _Introduction a l'Etude comparative des langues indo-europeenes_. After class I nervously approached Prof. Hamp, and said, "Uh, about the Meillet book--I don't actually know French yet." He replied, "Oh, just learn it. It's easy." LL arhīvs | 2:09p |
Man patīk vārdu savienojums "kāds konkrēts". Līdzīgi kā "some specific" vai "nē nu jā". | 2:32p |
| 2:35p |
wtf moments Pirms mēneša uzrakstīju kodu, šodien skatos un domāju: "Nu tāds idiots..."
decode(first_c,null,null,'', ''||first_c) | 3:21p |
svn Interesanti, kurš izdomāja komandas nosaukumu "blame"? Es to pamēģināju un ilgi nevarēju saprast, ko tā dara. Beigās sapratu, ka tas ir tas, ko es sauktu par "history". Vai varbūt "change aggregate". Vai arī "all revisions for this particular file with last changed revision number for each line", bet noteikti ne par "blame". Kaut vai tāpēc, ka "blame" kā transitīvam darbības vārdam nevar piemapot normālu objektu kā to var pārējām izvēlnes sadaļām.
Es vēl saprastu, ja tas būtu integrēts ar JIRA vai Bugzilla, kas ļautu konkrētu revīziju pielinkot kā konkrētas problēmas cēloni, bet šitais ir imho galīgi neadekvāts nosaukums. |