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Thursday, April 19th, 2007

    Time Event
    Kaut kur manīju domas par "afro" izmantošanu vārda "melns" vietā.

    Afro josta aikido.
    cigiļ, cigiļ
    Skaidri zinu, kādā literatūrā iedziļināšos tuvākajā laikā.

    "This work is especially well-known, in the context of temporal logic, for introducing the distinction between the "A-series" and the "B-series". By the "A-series" is meant, essentially, the characterisation of events as Past, Present, or Future. By contrast, the "B-series" involves their characterisation as relatively "Earlier" or "Later". A-series representations of time inescapably single out some particular moment as present; of course, at different times, different moments are present — a circumstance which, followed to what appeared to be its logical conclusion, led McTaggart to assert that time itself was unreal (see Mellor, 1981). B-series representations have no place for a concept of the present, instead taking the form of a synoptic view of all time and the (timeless) interrelations between its parts."


    Iedvesma sameklēt šo te nāca no
    1) saskares ar laikā mainīgiem apgalvojumiem
    2) K. Podnieka
    ..tas dod jaunu skatījumu uz lietām.

    Alles Vergängliche
    Ist nur ein Gleichnis;
    Das Unzulängliche,
    Hier wird's Ereignis;
    Das Unbeschreibliche,
    Hier ist's getan;
    Das Ewig-Weibliche
    Zieht uns hinan.
    Lietus laikā uz ielas cilvēku nav, ir tikai ūdens, dubļi.
    Stīgas starp augstsprieguma vadiem skan skaņāk kā citkārt.

    Ievēroju, ka dungoju "sirdij jau nevajag skaitu", un nosmīnēju pie sevis: "A kurš tai kaut ko prasīja?"

    Current Mood: slapja galva
    world of warcraft
    Tas ir tipa "kurš labāk uztaisīs"?

    Current Music: electric six - gay bar
    Dodiet viņam to darīt vēl!

    Current Mood: afigel

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