non compos mentis - August 17th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 17th, 2004

[Aug. 17th, 2004|09:03 pm]
[Current Mood |garlaicīgi]
[Current Music |Blow me a kiss]

Mīzalu laukā, purvainā takā

Klīstošas dvēseles meklē

Kur sausāks


Man ir garlaicīgi!!!

/un nesakiet, lai ko daru lai tā nebūtu!!!

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[Aug. 17th, 2004|09:15 pm]
[Current Mood |garlaicība]
[Current Music |Pick up the bones]


jeee!!! )

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[Aug. 17th, 2004|09:28 pm]
[Current Mood |garlaicība]
[Current Music |It`s the little things]



I mean everything has a price
I really hate to repeat myself
But nothing's free

(c)Alice Cooper

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