back | April 11th, 2009 | forth
anne_ZOMBIE [userpic]

April 11th, 2009 (02:12 pm)
current mood:
current song: the Teenagers

vakar tika atklāta peldsezona jūrmalā mēnesgaismā un pa pliko ar frici miča bukanona lomā, lai mēs, sievietes nenoslīktu. :D
haha. bija forši. tikai šodien klepus, po.
he is being suspicious. but i like it.
anyway he was wearing skinny jeans had funky hair
and the cutest latvian accent ever!

šodien šrubbi dubbi pa dārzu un braukāties ar riteņiem, jē.

back | April 11th, 2009 | forth