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The top 100 intellectuals, in alphabetical order:
Chinua Achebe, 74, Nigeria, novelist
Yusuf al-Qaradawi, 79 - Egypt, cleric
Ali al-Sistani, 75 - Iran/Iraq, cleric
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 35 - (female) Somalia/Netherlands, politician
Jean Baudrillard, 76 - France, philosopher/cultural theorist
Gary Becker, 75 - US, economist
Pope Benedict XVI, 78 - Vatican, religious leader
Jagdish Bhagwati, 70 - India/US, economist
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 74 - Brazil, sociologist/former president
Noam Chomsky, 76 - US, linguist/author/activist
JM Coetzee, 65 - South Africa, novelist
Gordon Conway, 66 - Britain, agricultural ecologist
Robert Cooper, - Britain, diplomat and writer
Richard Dawkins, 64 - Britain, biologist and polemicist
Hernando De Soto, 64 - Peru, economist
Pavol Demes, - Slovakia, political analyst
Daniel Dennett, 63 - US, philosopher
Kemal Dervis, 56 - Turkey, head of United Nations Development Programme
Jared Diamond, 68 - US, geohistorian
Freeman Dyson, 81 - US, physicist
Shirin Ebadi, 58 - (female) Iran, human rights activist
Umberto Eco, 73 - Italy, philosopher and novelist
Paul Ekman, 71 - US, anthropologist
Fan Gang, 52 - China, economist
Niall Ferguson, 41 - Britain, historian
Alain Finkielkraut, 56 - France, essayist and philosopher
Thomas Friedman, 52 - US, journalist and author
Francis Fukuyama, 53 - US, political scientist and author
Gao Xingjian, 65 - China, novelist
Howard Gardner, 62 - US, psychologist
Timothy Garton Ash, 50 - Britain, historian and commentator
Henry Louis Gates Jr., 55 - US, theorist of race
Clifford Geertz, 79 - US, anthropologist
Neil Gershenfeld - US, physicist and computer scientist
Anthony Giddens, 67 - Britain, social and political theorist Germaine Greer, 66 - (female) Australia/Britain, writer and academic
Ha Jin, 49 - China, novelist
Jürgen Habermas, 76 - Germany, philosopher
Václav Havel, 69 - Czech Republic, playwright/statesman
Christopher Hitchens, 56 - Britain/US, essayist and contrarian
Eric Hobsbawm, 88 - Britain, historian
Robert Hughes, 67 - Australia, art critic
Samuel Huntington, 78 - US, political scientist
Michael Ignatieff, 58 - Canada, human rights theorist
Shintaro Ishihara, 72 - Japan, politician and author
Robert Kagan, 47 - US, political commentator
Daniel Kahnemann, 71 - Israel, psychologist
Sergei Karaganov, 53 - Russia, foreign policy analyst
Paul Kennedy, 59 - Britain/US, historian
Gilles Kepel, 50 - France, expert on Islam
Naomi Klein, 35 - (female) Canada, anti-globalisation journalist
Rem Koolhaas, 61 - Netherlands, architect
Enrique Krauze, 58 - Mexico, historian
Julia Kristeva, 64 - (female) France, philosopher and feminist
Paul Krugman, 52 - US, economist and commentator
Hans Küng, 77 - Switzerland, theologian
Jaron Lanier, 45 - US, virtual reality pioneer
Lawrence Lessig, 44 - US, law scholar
Bernard Lewis, 89 - Britain/US, historian
Mario Vargas Llosa, 69 - Peru, novelist and politician
BjØrn Lomborg, 40 - Denmark, environmental sceptic
James Lovelock, 86 - Britain, scientist and Gaia theorist
Kishore Mahbubani, 57 - Singapore, diplomat and author
Ali Mazrui, 72 - Kenya, political scientist
Sunita Narain, 44 - (female) India, developmental environmentalist
Antonio Negri, 72 - Italy, philosopher and activist
Martha Nussbaum, 58 - (female) US, philosopher
Sari Nusseibeh, 55 - Palestine, philosopher/diplomat
Kenichi Ohmae, 62 - Japan, management theorist
Amos Oz, 66 - Israel, novelist
Camille Paglia, 58 - (female) US, critic and feminist
Orhan Pamuk, 53 - Turkey, novelist
Steven Pinker, 51 - US, linguist
Richard Posner, 66 - US, judge and author
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, 80 - Indonesia, author and dissident
Robert Putnam, 64 - US, political scientist
Tariq Ramadan, 43 - Switzerland, writer on Islam
Martin Rees, 63 - Britain, astrophysicist
Richard Rorty, 73 - US, philosopher
Salman Rushdie, 58 - Britain, novelist and commentator
Jeffrey Sachs, 51 - US, development economist
Elaine Scarry, 59 - (female) US, literary theorist
Amartya Sen, 71 - India, economist and author
Peter Singer, 59 - Australia, philosopher
Peter Sloterdijk, 58 - Germany, philosopher
Abdolkarim Soroush, 60 - Iran, scientist/religious theorist
Wole Soyinka, 71 - Nigeria, playwright and activist
Larry Summers, 51 - US, economist and academic
Harold Varmus, 64 - US, medical scientist
Craig Venter, 59 - US, biologist
Michael Walzer, 70 - US, political theorist
Florence Wambugu, 52 - (female) Kenya, plant virologist
Wang Jisi, 57 - China, foreign policy analyst
Steven Weinberg, 72 - US, physicist
EO Wilson, 76 - US, biologist
James Q Wilson, 74 - US, criminologist
Paul Wolfowitz, 61 - US, head of World Bank
Fareed Zakaria, 41 - US, journalist and author
Zheng Bijian, 73 - China, political scientist
Slavoj Zizek, 56 - Slovenia, sociologist/philosopher
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The broken clock is a comfort
It helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can start tomorrow
From stealing all my time

And I am here still waiting
Though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best
Like you've already figured out

I'm falling apart
I'm barley breathing
With a broken heart
That's still beating

In the pain
There is healing
In your name
I find meaning

So I'm holding on
I'm holding on
I'm holding on
I'm barely holding on to you

The broken locks were a warning
You got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded
I'm an open book instead

And I still see your reflection
Inside of my eyes
That are looking for purpose
They're still looking for life

I'm falling apart
I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart
That's still beating

In the pain
(In the pain)
Is there healing?
In your name
(In your name)
I find meaning

So I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm barely holding on to you

I'm hanging on another day
Just to see what you will throw my way
And I'm hanging on to the words you say
You said that I will be okay

Broken lights on the freeway
Left me here alone
I may have lost my way now
I haven't forgotten my way home

I'm falling apart
I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart
That's still beating

In the pain
(In the pain)
There is healing
In your name
(In your name)
I find meaning

So I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm barely holding on to you

I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm holding on
(I'm still holding)
I'm barely holding on to you
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Pasule uz pelēka fona izskatās krāsaināka.

Laiks pēc suņa, es pēc suņa un pasaule arī...
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Easy year for hard life.
Un tā paiet dienas. Diena pēc dienas, tad nedēļas un nu jau mēneši. Bailes pamosties un saprast, ka esi zaudējis tik daudz ko svarīgu, ka sāc meklēt iemeslus eksistencei, ir realitāte un tas pār pārņem tevi.
Ir aizritējis gads. Mans akadēmiskais gads un droši varu teikt, ka otru tādu, lai gan pieredze un viss tas pārējais, nekad nevēlētos atkal izdzīvot. Vispār man ir ļoti grūti runāt par to visu, jo nekas vēl nav beidzies, dzīvē nekas nebeidzas tikai tu un pārējie cilvēki, kad ir pienācis laiks. Taču ne par nāvi šoreiz runāšau, bet gan par dzīvi un to brīvo dāvanu (free gif), ko Dievs mūsos ir ielicis un kuru mēs atpazīstam ar vārdu dzīvība.
Uzsākot akadēmisko gadu es biju visnotaļ apņēmīgs un drošs par to, ka es zinu ko daru. Biju pārliecināts par saviem nopietnajiem dzīves mērķiem un to, ka man jābūt kopā ar brīnišķīgu un jauku meiteni. Vēlāk tas viss izrādījās fikcija un nepiepildāmas vēlmes, bet tobrīd man šķita, ka esmu atradis īsto. Varbūt viņa nebija pati skaistākā vai gudrākā, bet noteikti pati sirsnīgākā un jaukākā meitene kāda man jebkad ir bijusi (pēcākie notikumi man lika gan krietni pārdomāt vārda jauks lietojumu viņas kontekstā, bet laiks noliek visu savās vietās un tur neko nevar darīt pret mani viņa bija maita, bet tā vispār- jauka). Un šeit pirmā mācība, ko guvu: NESTĀDIET PLĀNUS! NOSPRAUDIET MĒRĶUS! PRIEKŠ SEVIS!
Dzīve manā un jūsu gadījumā ir mainīgais lielums, protams, dzīve nevar pazust vai uzrasties būt liela vai maza, jo to nevar izmērīt, bet tai noteikti ir daudz dažādu formu un krāsu attiecībā pret jums un mani.
Tāpat svarīgi ir saprast, ka nav svarīgi izplānot kā jūs kaut ko darīsiet, bet gan kas būs tas gala mērķis. Un šai mērķa nospraušanai ir jābūt kaut kam reālam- ne sapņiem jo pretējā gadījumā vēlamo pieņemsiet par esošo un jūsu mīļotā vai mīļotais krāps jūs uz balkona ar jūsu labu draugu vai draudzeni un pamosties no šī sapņa būs ļoti grūta, jo viss šķitīs murgs. Un viss ko vēlēsieties būs kaut kur starp es vēlos mirt un es vēlos lai visi mirst, jo nav nekā ļaunāka kā izpostīt iluzorus sapņus par nākotni. It īpaši periodā pēc vidējās izglītības, kad tev ir jāsaprot, ko tu darīsi ar savu dzīvi un ko dzīve dara un darīs ar tevi.

Garastāvoklis:: bitchy
Mūzika: Kenya West- Amazing

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Un šito nekad (ES TEICU NEKAD!) neaizmirsti!
Kenaya West- Amazing
Songwriters: Bhasker, Jeff; Jenkins, J; Jones, M; Mills, D; West, Kanye;

It's amazing, I'm the reason
Everybody fired up this evening
I'm exhausted, barely breathing
Holding on to what I believe in

No matter what you'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see

It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin'
(Let's go)

I'm a monster, I'm a killer
I know I'm wrong, yeah
I'm a problem that'll never ever be solved

And no matter what you'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see

It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin'
(Let's go)

I'm a monster, I'm a maven
I know this world is changin'
Never gave in, never gave up
I'm the only thing I'm afraid of

No matter what you'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see

It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin'

I'm amazin', yeah, I'm all that
If I ain't on my grind then what you call that?
Victorious, yeah, we warriors
We make history, strive off victory

Standing at my podium
I'm trying watch my sodium
Die high blood pressure
You even let the Feds getcha

I'm amazin', born on the full moon
I was bred to get it in, no spoon
That's why I'm so goose, summer time, no juice
Big family, small house, no rooms

They like, oh God, why you go so hard?
Look what he's been through
He deserves an applause

So amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin', so amazin', so amazin', so amazin'
It's amazin'
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Nebeidzamo iespējamību lauks.
Plusi un mīnusi.
Iksiņi un nullītes.
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Pateikšu latviski. :)
Suki, nahuj, piderasi.
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Situāciju raksturo labi šādi fakti:
vienai rokai sagriests īkšķis, kas vājprātīgi sūrst
un otrai atsists vidējais pirksts, kurš uzpampis.
Līdz ar to izveidojas īpatnēja sintēze, brūce kas smeldz, bet ne asiņo un nav iespējams
šo smeldzi pasūtīt 3 mājas tālāk jo otra roka nav uz to spējīga.
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Viņa neļauj pakrūtē nēsāt nazi.
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Priecīgu māmiņdienu!
Ak, jā arī atceroties šos svētkus vēlos atgādināt, ka abortu skaits valstī ir pieaudzis un ka sieviešu piekaušanas ģimenēs tāpat.
Name: sniegavirs
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