[iCE2] - Pie Duntes jūrā atklāj mirušu vairāk nekā 10 metrus garu vali [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Pie Duntes jūrā atklāj mirušu vairāk nekā 10 metrus garu vali [Jul. 21st, 2006|02:05 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:July 26th, 2006 - 10:10 pm
šitas jau piedalās filmā - Snakes On A Plane. būs labs, treilers izskatījās baiss
[User Picture]
Date:July 27th, 2006 - 08:47 am
When asked about a sequel to the film Samuel tells Bloody-Disgusting, “We were trying to figure that out last night… I don’t know what that is, what the vehicle is that gets you in the situation on a plane [like in this film],” he continues, “we were laughing because there’s that whole real life thing with the mice on the American Airlines plane - maybe we can do rats on our plane and the tagline can be ‘Where are the f-cking snakes when you need ‘em?’”