Rupjā sāls. Andris Saulītis' Journal
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Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

    Time Event
    Atkal jāvelk uzvalks - jādodas uz Izglītības un zinātnes ministriju!
    Spilvas "Ķīnas saldskābā mērce ar ananāsiem" ir tik garšīga, ka to var ēst karotēm un nosaukt to par pusdienām.

    Current Music: Imants Kalniņš "Apturi mani!"
    Pētījums liecina, ka populārākās cigaretes Latvijā esot "Elita"...

    Bet es aizvien biežāk sāku smēķēt. Bet šodien gan nevienu. Nevienu pašu.
    Fragments no šodienas parakstīta papīra
    As you can see from enclosed CV, I am working in many institutions, both NGO sector as well as various cultural organizations. This experience, has given me the opportunity to have an extensive knowledge. It is also been a chance to explore the managing process in details in the cultural and social areas in Latvia. My daily duties have been connected with wide responsibility of spending budget and enlightening the society about activities done by organisations. I have always tried to find new and creative ways of promoting ideas with fresh and youthful look on ordinary things.

    I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you for an interview and can be reached at +3716473310 daily.

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