

Sep. 22nd, 2007 | 12:24 am
From:: slieka

Līvas d.g. : "ideju deva Annely, bet noteikumi šādi: saraksta jautājumus, atver mūzikas atskaņojošo programmu, uzliek shuffle un pēc kārtas ieraksta dziesmu nosaukumus. Jei, atbildes, te jūs esat. :))"
Pamēģināju: Diezgan perfekti!

if someone says 'is that ok?' you say; misread
what would best describe your personality; a higher place
what do you like in a guy or girl; love is natural
how do you feel today; cinderella
what is your life's purpose; firefly
what is your motto; starchild
what do your friends think of you; introjection
what do you think of often; be my dark angel
what do you think of your best friend; redemption
what do you think of the person you like; love and peace or else
what is your life story; kiss my lips
what do you want to be when you grow up; holy grail
what do you think when you see the person you like; DOES YOUR MOTHER KNOW
what do your parents think of you; breaking my heart
how will you feel at your funeral; up in arms
what will they play at your wedding; carbon monoxide
what is your hobby or interest; help me dr. dick
what is your biggest fear; the distance
what is your biggest secret; tank
what do you think of your friends; it's coming down

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