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Greetings [Nov. 13th, 2008|12:22 pm]
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Date:May 21st, 2009 - 04:10 pm

"Technological inventions don't make our lives better. They simply create more products we're expect

Machinery and communication in our lives is very important, without a communications and technological marvels of man can not survive longer.
People have become dependent on the modern world. Earlier, say a century ago was not a man of technical possibility. But passing the time someone wanted to ease himself therefore to be a life of many and various technological wonders.
These things helped the man at the same time, people became dependent. For example mobile telephones. Who can now imagine myself without a phone?
Yes, I agree that the technological miracles of our lives makes it easier. For example the same washing machine, dishwasher and other electrical things that help more quickly to the whole deal. But people are becoming lazy and get used all these miracles.
Therefore recommend that these techniques use the wonders of where they really needed.