05 Oktobris 2010 @ 22:42
pankņūz ziņo, ka "mūsdienu popmūzikas žanru kopošanās kroplais mutantu pabērns" (dibs on the name) ir ierakstījuši jaunas dziesmas. es laikam izskalošu ausis pēc šitām briesmām, taču komentāri zem rakstiņa ir baigi labie. pāris pērles:

-lines like "gonna ride my dick like a rodeo" make this possibly the worst thing I've ever heard.
-So....We're going to keep his dick in a tiny cage, feed it hormones, get it angry and then throw a saddle on it and let a dude ride it for 8 seconds before we euthanize it?
When metaphors go too far.

-I'd certainly like to unplug them.
-From life support.
galvā skan: miles away