24 Oktobris 2009 @ 21:27
American dream... 1950s...."Hi,honey,I'm home."......Father knows best....

Jā,jā,mēs zinam šo Amerikas ideālu,kurš radās 50.gados. Laimīga ģimene,ar daudz,daudz bērniem,sieva-mājsaimniece,vīrs-apgādnieks,smaids līdz ausīm un visi laimīgi.

Lūk,daži citāti par to kādai bija jābūt ideālai sievietei un vīrietim.

"The ideal modern woman married,cooked and cared for her family,and kept herself busy by joining the local PTA and leading a troop of Campfire Girls. She entertained guests in her family's suburban house and worked out on the trampoline to keep her size 12 figure."
/Life Magazine,1956/

"The ideal 1950s man was the provider,protector and the boss of the house."
/Life Magazine,1955/

Nez Amerikā vēl joprojām ir tāda prototipa ģimenes?