skandaloza ([info]skandaloza) wrote 9. Novembris 2011, 16:46
Jā, es piekrītu, ka tas būtu jāievieš kā obligātais priekšmets.
Q: Has the fact that you study nutrition influenced your eating habits in any way?

A: Ahhh, I just got home from taking a nutrition exam! Yes, I think so, but in a good way. I’m much more aware of eating healthier, more balanced meals and I do try to make healthier decisions now…baked over fried, water/juice over soda, fresh over processed, low sodium, whole grains, etc.  I honestly think a nutrition class should be required...just as it’s important to know what kind of fuel to put in your car, it’s important to know what kind of fuel (and how much) to put in your body.

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