still about the lady with helmet hair.

Mar. 7., 2010 | 01:15 pm

yes, the more I think about MK's latest gig, the less I can recall myself ever seeing anyone else
fighting fiercely to retain the power of their word
and just to retain power to become so ridiculous in public, lose their dignity in fact.

The fact that it received a sort of approving response in part of the political
crowd she addressed just tells that for the time being it basically consists
of dames and gents of very old school.

But I'd better give the tape for people to see than try to
over-rationalize it myself.

strange also how the famous "sabiedrībā pazīstami cilvēki, kas sveica kongresu" were only women. One of them at least had dress sense. But that was the only one of the appealing senses she boasted.

And all self-absorbed enough, one has to admit. Men's speeches ruled. Solvita spoke in silly allegories.

Par putnu kaut ko ar apdzisušu spozmi acīs, vai kaut ko tādu. Is she her own speechwriter?

Kalniete wore brown tiger print. but made some sense.

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