at bloody Blast! my love has come around............

Aug. 23., 2009 | 01:42 pm

bloody IT-ies and ITies. McArsy

un, jā, līdzās vēl par to, ka
REAL BRAINS are real:

šeit dzīvojot, kaut kā liekas svarīgi to sev atgādināt, jo pie tuvākā apvāršņa 'sabiedriskās sarunas' telpā kritiskas patiesības [tas ir, neimportētas KP] ir devās starp minimāli un nemaz, tādā īpatsvarā tās sāk pietrūkt saprāta uzturēšanai pie dzīvības, kur nu vēl pie veselības.
Muļķīgi gan arī nepamanīt, ka Real Brains ir jau kungiem pieklājīgos gados. tā ka varbūt šeit vēl izaugs.

Real Brains arī nespekulē: tirgū

un ar vārdiem, kas tiek izkārtoti un lietoti tendenciozi:

1. imitējot alternatīvu reprezentācijas objektivitāti

Some economists [say they believe that the contrasting trends are unrelated. If anything, these economists say, any problems the wealthy have will trickle down, in the form of less charitable giving and less consumer spending. Over the last century, the worst years for the rich were the early 1930s, the heart of the Great Depression.] [plus mazliet biedēšanas un egoismu spēcinoša absurda kā 'the worst years for the rich']

Other economists say [the recent explosion of incomes at the top did hurt everyone else, by concentrating economic and political power among a relatively small group.]

2. melojot vārdu izvēlē parādību apzīmēšanai.

a] [atypical] businessman, my McArs
b] you just keep [what he calls] working,

c] calling “Into the Heart of Truth: The Spirit of Relational Yoga.” a b o o k etc. --- on-going corruption of language and scrumbling of the intelligibility of the world via its casuistic use.

Apart from the representation of facts, in a word, in my view, there is only some truth in the psychological profiling of the Case in View McAfee 'the worker businessman'

, but as a reflective stock-taking of the moment the article is one of those Really Unreliable, Untrustworthy Things.
But even those, by way of w r i t i n g, they make them better over the border.

Oh, text analysis almighty.

and - I've never considered a McAfee anti-virus for my Thing.

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