
Dec. 27., 2007 | 11:00 am

vairums logu ir caurspīdīgi; tā arī vakardiena bija redzēta:
A story acc to Tobias Wolf that takes only minutes to read can alter the entire tenor of a day, refreshing the soul and realigning the heart. and although a novel may end up gathering dust on the night table, there's always time to finish a story.

tas ir tikai es vai tā tomēr ir Erota balss? plus since yesterday I am Bruce Almighty, and a couple of troubles seem legitimately far away, computer wizard, got rid of the bloody dotty Net Broadcasting Event one o five like house on fire, pēdējais, kas būtu ienācis prātā, un viss tikai, pateicoties neanal fab ētismam. atgādina to what's his name jaunās akadēmijas importētā Stenfordas tevtoņa stāstu par japāņu dezodorantu. man patīk Polaris. un Haris.

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