Jan. 21st, 2021|09:59 pm |
Nav nemaz tik vienkārši uzrakstīt par atšķirtību starp komunismu un demokrātiju.
Communism is a political ideology that is based on a common ownership, mainly concerned with equality and fairness. In communism, the power is vested in a group of people who decide the course of action. It is this group of people who decide on the activities of the public. These groups of people may interfere in the public life of others. On the other hand, democracy, which also stands for equality in the society, is governed by a group of elected people. Democracy is a rule by the people and the elected representatives are bound to fulfil the wishes of the society.
Īpaši, ja mēs noņemtu pēdējo teikumu, jo reāli jau valdībām bieži vien ir pie kājas vēlētāju intereses. Un, ja vēl ņem vērā to, ka manas valsts valdību sastāda cilvēki, par kuriem ir vēlējis kāds cits (piem. Nefolks), nevis es. Tāpat tevi nospiež uz ceļiem vairākuma viedoklis. Bet vairākumam gandrīz nekad nav taisnības. Vairums cilvēku ir stulbi. |