Dec. 11th, 2016|02:04 pm |
-So if you were to ask, say a Pleiadian, or a Sirian, or an Andromedan, you know, how they perceive the human race, to be, how would they describe us? -You mean at this moment? -At this moment. -At this moment, you see most of the races, see the surface of this planet as hell. They, in a way most of those races don’t want to get involved and the only reason why they’re getting involved, is because of their compassion for humanity. To help us get out of this situation. -This- that’s pretty profound, (laughs) to think that they’re seeing, what we live in as hell, I mean and I’m not disputing that there’s a lot hellacious stuff going on in this planet, but it really does say a lot for all of us that have made it this far, doesn’t it? -Actually, they live in such a.. positive existence, such a paradise state, that compared to what they’re experiencing, if they look down here, it looks like hell to them. -Yes.. wow. And so, how, how would you describe, how the human race, is significantly different from any other race in the galaxy? -On one fundamental level there is not much difference because we all come from the same source, and the other thing is that, human beings are not coming, from just one race, it’s actually a mixture of different races, but the experience that we have on this planet, gave us a unique signature that sets up, us apart from most of the galaxy, people on this planet have gone much deeper into the world (?), they’re much, deeper into their mind programming, than, the rest of the galaxy.. And when we manage to get liberated from this, it is quite a unique set of experiences and will bring us a quite a unique, unique set of skills that will actually help the galaxy to.. evolve, even deeper and even further. -Fantastic. Now, the reason I asked that Cobra was, I get the impression just from all that I read, that.. we are a lot more individualistic, meaning.. we tend to not think about what we do, and for the greater cause of humanity, so to speak. -Actually.. individualistic tendencies don’t contradict the unity consciousness when you reach the higher state of awareness. They’re just two sides of the same coin. What has happened is actually the, blockage of flow of energies which.. makes, an artificial split between various aspects of the One. And this is the main thing that distinguishes this planet from other planets in the universe. |