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Wanderers Jan. 17th, 2014|06:30 pm

A Wanderer is an entity who has made the conscious decision to reincarnate into the Third Density of Earth from a higher density, in order to assist in the raising of consciousness on the Earth plane. Ra says that there are 65 million Wanderers currently on Earth.
When the choice is made to be a Wanderer on Earth, the entity knows that it will forget its original origin once it incarnates and subjects itself to the dangers of getting trapped here.
The challenge and danger to the Wanderer is that it will become karmically involved and thus be swept into the maelstrom and turbulence which it intended to avert.
If Wanderers can penetrate their ''forgetting,'' they have the ability to greatly accelerate consciousness on this plane. Unawakened Wanderers tend to have feelings of alienation because of the chasm between the density of their origins and the density on the planet. They often exhibit allergies.

(Ra, "Law Of One")
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