sickboy - July 5th, 2034 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 5th, 2034

[Jul. 5th, 2034|12:01 am]
Sieviešu neapzināts mērķis ir neatkarīgu vai alfa vīrieti padarīt par beta vīrieti (apgādātāju) un pēc tam ienīst viņu par to, ka viņš tam ļāvās.
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[Jul. 5th, 2034|06:10 am]
Dvīņu liesma nebija pārāk apmierināta ar iepriekš iepriekšējā ieraksta apzīmējumu "jauka meitenīte", tā kā citi vīrieši viņu redzot kā sievieti. Visi viņu novērtējot, izņemot mani, un citkārt viņa bija domājusi: "Kāpēc es izvēlējos tieši šo vienu džeku, kurš mani vienīgais nenovērtē?" Patiesībā ir tā, ka sievietes vienmēr dzenas pēc vīriešu novērtējuma un, ja tas tiek dalīts pa labi, pa kreisi (komplimenti), tad sievietei tāds vīrietis vairs nešķiet interesants. Vairs nav, ko iekarot, viņš jau ir viņai kabatā.
Dvīņu liesma bieži atgādina mīlīgu bērnu, kas dzimis aristokrātijā un ir ļoti smalks un nedaudz naivs. Bet mīlīgs! Ar visu to, jāpiebilst, ka viņa tomēr ir arī nobriedusi sieviete, vēl nobriedušāka par visām citām sievietēm! Viņa ir ļoti labs cilvēks, viņai ir iekšējais morālais kompass, viņa vienmēr tiecas attīstīties un meklēt atbildes sevī. Viņa aizstāv kaķus un bērnus un dāvina saviem tuvajiem cilvēkiem mīļas dāvaniņas. Šķirties no viņas ir atbildīgs solis, jo es gribu, lai viņa satiek kādu, kas viņu pa īstam saprot, novērtē un atbalsta. Viņa tusēja ar tādu džeku Norvēğijā, bet tas džeks jau ir precējies un ar kaudzi bērnu.
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[Jul. 5th, 2034|08:27 pm]
I do what I want
To get what dues to me
Yes I am different
Any problems with that?
You got no
I curse
Your existence
I spit
On poor little souls
We erase
The primitive nation
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[Jul. 5th, 2034|08:46 pm]
Lilith in the 1st House
These people are reserved; they are fascinating but they also make other people nervous.
Freedom at all costs, even at the price of ridicule and emptiness.
Lilith emphasises the principles of the Aquarius - freedom and autonomy. This easily causes problems in life because these people avoid strong and lasting connections. They do not experience their lives, they feel as if they see their life thorough a wall of glass because they are not able to experience their life emotionally. They do not trust themselves and they do not trust others. The way out is through the opposite sign, Leo - to open their heart, connect their mind with their heart and in this way gain the ability to experience life.
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[Jul. 5th, 2034|09:50 pm]
Moon Opposition Uranus (3°24’, Applying)
This aspect brings people the feeling that they have been wronged and they need to do something about it. They often unexpectedly decide to do radical changes. They like chaos and they do not like to lead respectable family life. They love alternative ways of living they they are very individualistic. For this reason, living in a community or family environment does not really suit them. They feel separated from society (complex of separation). These people are predisposed to great emotional tension, imbalance, emotional lability, explosive emotions, and emotional vulnerability.
Venus Square Uranus (4°22’, Separating)
This aspect complicates any relationship because these people see relationships literally as a loss of personal freedom and integrity. They are mentally unstable and their feelings constantly change. They often get involved in great number of relationships throughout their life. They are unconventional, difficult to get along with, eccentric and original when they create art. They are just as unstable in their ways of dealing with money. They are adventurous and they lead unstable love life.
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[Jul. 5th, 2034|11:45 pm]
Можешь разорвать меня на части, я то знаю, что такое счастье. И мне уже почти-почти не больно.
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