sickboy - January 23rd, 2034 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 23rd, 2034

[Jan. 23rd, 2034|02:32 am]
People who are asleep will never believe there is a conspiracy by the mainstream media to brainwash people, unless it is reported by the mainstream media. How insane is that?
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[Jan. 23rd, 2034|09:50 am]
This also practically means that from now on it will be much easier to create and reach Light in your life. It means we have exited the Resistance phase, where we were fighting with the Cabal, into the Breakthrough phase, where we are simply creating our New Reality, while we calmly observe the old world collapsing under the weight of its own entropy, without being sucked into its drama, yet still shining Light on all situations.
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