sickboy - September 17th, 2024 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 17th, 2024

[Sep. 17th, 2024|03:14 pm]
There is a very real chance that Khazarian cabal rule will collapse over the next three months, and alternative power structures need to be made ready in time for that, according to British MI6 intelligence sources. The trigger is expected to be arrests of senior cabalists in the U.S. starting in October, the sources say. Pentagon sources, for their part, said, “The Cabal has been deaf and blind for over two weeks, so big things should happen after Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation.”
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[Sep. 17th, 2024|04:10 pm]
Ir kāds cilvēks, kam ir tieši pretēji politiskie uzskati (t.i. ticība pasaules valdības foršumam utt.); kurš man ir parādā naudu jau sen, bet fakts ir tāds, ka viņš mani reiz atdzīvināja (kad es neesot elpojis un sācis pieņemt zilu nokrāsu) ar elpināšanu caur muti u.c., tā kā es nevaru viņu īsti kritizēt.
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[Sep. 17th, 2024|06:28 pm]
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