sickboy - January 22nd, 2024 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 22nd, 2024

[Jan. 22nd, 2024|10:58 am]
Redzeeju sapnii, ka man bija kabataa narkotikas, kuras es gribeeju pa kluso ieshaut manas mammas vannas istabaa, bet bija gruuti atrast izdeviibu. Vinja kaut ko nojauta un bija ljoti indiiga. Mana maasa arii bija ljoti indiiga. Bet es domaaju: ja vien es vareetu ieshauties, man buutu labi pat shajaa beedu ielejaa, kur visi ir indiigi.
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[Jan. 22nd, 2024|01:45 pm]
The shutdown of the U.S. government over the weekend is likely to become permanent as top-level negotiations continue to discuss its replacement, multiple sources agree. The Western old-world-order leadership is gathering this week in Davos, Switzerland to debate this very issue, the sources say.
Pentagon sources, meanwhile, say “the shutdown was orchestrated so Congress can be arrested, as they lose immunity while not in session.” In addition, the sources say U.S. President Donald Trump “was summoned to meet top brass at the Pentagon on January 18th, as the Navy hunted for rogue submarines and the military uses the shutdown to arrest cabal, terminate the corporate government, and launch the Republic to usher in the global currency reset (GCR).”
Furthermore, the sources continued, “The House may release the FISA memo, which will take down criminals in Department of Justice, the FBI, the Democratic National Council, the CIA, plus the Obama and Hillary Clinton organizations.”
“Trump may even read the memo at the State of the Union address on January 30th,” the sources added.
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