sickboy - October 19th, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 19th, 2023

[Oct. 19th, 2023|03:05 am]
Agraak man likaas nelogjiski, ka Ragaciema Agnese runaa par it kaa gaidaamiem globaaliem pluudiem, bet pashai maaja pie juuras. Tagad info, ka vinja paardod sho maaju (tikai par 285 000 eiro). Taapat vien?
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[Oct. 19th, 2023|02:47 pm]
Imagine if Trump sold 20% of the uranium to Russia {Clinton}. Imagine if Trump gave $1 billion to Iran {Obama}. Imagine if Trump gave nuclear reactors to North Korea {Bill Clinton}.
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