sickboy - October 14th, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 14th, 2023

[Oct. 14th, 2023|09:05 pm]
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[Oct. 14th, 2023|11:41 pm]
Weinstein is a goner. Everyone knows it. It would be a great surprise if the man stands trial. The weird thing is, we all knew about Hollywood. Hell, the exact behaviour of Weinstein and people like him is a trope so well engrained in our culture that porn movies that riff on the behaviour rack up millions of views.
As ever, hypocrisy underpins everything. Berated from the podium of award ceremonies, we, the plebs, the cattle, the consumers, we are instructed. Don’t be sexist. Don’t be racist. Black lives matter. The liberal elites are better than you. Much better. We are rich, you are not. We know what is best, and if you disagree with our agenda, who cares. We are gods.
They look down on our petty behaviour and sneer, and turn their eyes aside when their friends behave in ways that truly are deplorable.
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