sickboy - May 20th, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 20th, 2023

[May. 20th, 2023|08:18 pm]
Man these people arnt scum they're just kids tryin to have fun. I mean sure they're a bit pretentious and they think that they're "free", but once you find that kind of excitement on the road you get caught up in it and think youve found the magic cure for sadness. Then you realize you're living off the expendable income of generous middle class people who do the daily grind and you're still a part of the economy and even if you are an artist or street entertainer you are still a labourer. The raw materials you use make your art are still produced by someone who makes a paycheck, even if they are exploited in a sweatshop. If everyone stopped what they were doing right now to become a street kid, the lifestyle would fall apart because there would be no one to give kickdowns. I mean art is great but you can't eat it. If Joe shmo ain't workin at the donut shop then there's no donuts for you to eat out of the dumpster at 11pm on a Tuesday. What would you do without the economy? Sure capitalism sucks ass, but when you get an infection, ain't you still gonna go to the ER? Please, by all means, travel and have fun, but be grateful for us "fucking housies" that put you up and give you beer. You might have a lot of stories to tell and the occasional edgy/uplifting song to share, but you aint any more special than the guy behind the counter at the gas station. Be grateful of what you get and may your art be inspired by that gratitude.
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