sickboy - November 26th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 26th, 2021

[Nov. 26th, 2021|06:10 pm]
CIA and Mossad sources are saying the US dollar will continue after September 30th but that the dollar will be divided into a domestic US dollar that will be devalued by 50% and an international dollar that will remain unchanged.
However, Pentagon and other CIA sources say the Federal Reserve Board will cease to exist on September 30th raising the question of who exactly will control the dollar.
This is what the Pentagon reports on the issue:
“The IMF accepts the gold-backed yuan into the SDR basket on Oct 1, as the FRB ceases sept 30.” It adds: “The Paris agreement which secretly activates a global gold standard is at near 48%, India will ratify Oct 2 (4.5%) so when Russia (7.35%) ratifies it will cross the 55% threshold but holds off until military issues are resolved and the cabal surrenders.”
CIA sources, for their part, say that China now secretly controls the SDR and the IMF. The SDR or Special Drawing Rights, is a currency proposed by the IMF as an alternative to the US dollar.
Chinese government sources, for their part, say China will be watching what the West will do over the coming months before making its own move. However, they say the “US dollar is backed by nothing.”
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