sickboy - February 16th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 16th, 2021

[Feb. 16th, 2021|01:05 am]
Lekciju cikls: "Kā pārgulēt ar dievieti, kurai jau ir draugs?" - Uģis Kuģis.
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[Feb. 16th, 2021|02:43 am]
The chakra system of the human body connects to the spirit realms and the universe star systems, this is why they are blocked by the electromagnetic rings from the moment of birth on Terra. All of the sources of electromagnetic waves, such as HAARP, military tech, phone towers, cell phones, the colliders, satellites, computers, televisions, the electric grid, underground and ground antennas, and the Schumann waves and many many more sources act on this. The human body makes a very good conduit for electricity, to make the control system easy and connect everyone through common chains.

The same tech can send different information and commands to the brain and can make a person believe that he or she is getting ‘real truth’, and cause them to see what is not real. The chakras are a natural system which allow the attachment of the consciousness to a physical body, and are in themselves not harmful but required to experience embodied life. However, this electromagnetic interference is used to block the communication of the higher consciousness with the fragment that is embodied. The illusions and unreality that is imposed on the embodied person cause that person’s consciousness to have difficulties communicating with their own soul and higher self, and instigates local-ego-based control.

Many of us are thus disassociated from themselves, from nature and the planet, from their real homes, and their families. Instead, they are attached to a surrogate reality matrix, made by the controllers for their own benefit here in this ‘zoo’. Things and meanings are encoded by the matrix into the minds of humans, creating specific understandings (tropes, you might say) of things like spirituality. It is something like looking through a distorted mirror through the prism of illusion. This is one of the reasons the Illuminati branch of the Cabal uses the all-seeing-eye in a pyramid symbolism, it represents their ability to see through the distorted prism and their ability to shape what we see through the distorted prism, and their belief that they have the right to control those who cannot.
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[Feb. 16th, 2021|04:47 am]
I thank the heavens above
For the angel beside me today
The guardian of my sanity
The one who will save my soul
If I ever doubt the faith I hold
I only need one smile from you
And an autumn reflection
will deliver me to your arms
I am stronger now
Since you came into my life
With a thought of your smile
I remember yesterday
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[Feb. 16th, 2021|05:04 am]
Ko es domāju par 3 galvenajiem ASV prezidenta kandidātiem:
1)Hilarija Klintone - reptiliāniete, psihopāte, kaut kas ļoti tumšs;
2)Donalds Tramps - labā spārna pārstāvis, varbūt nav foršākais cilvēks, bet viņa kritiķi un izsmējēji basically ir vēl lielāki moroni;
3)Bernijs Sanderss - kreisā spārna New World Order aģents, domāts, lai radītu iespaidu, ka viņš nepārstāv Illuminati un korporācijas, bet patiesībā viņš aizstāv pāvestu un jezuītus! (kas ir arkoni).

Droši vien jau, ka cilvēki izvēlēsies lielāko no ļaunumiem (Hilariju).
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[Feb. 16th, 2021|06:54 am]
Parasti, ja cilvēkiem prasa, kāda ir viņu ticība, tad, ja viņi atbild ar: "Esmu pagāns", viņi parasti ar to domā: "Man nav viedokļa par garīgumu VISPĀR. Es par to nedomāju praktiski nekad. Es pat nezinu vārda "pagāns" nozīmi." Tāpēc, ja man kāds uzdotu jautājumu par manu ticību, es negribētu atbildēt ar: "Esmu pagāns", lai arī pagānisms man diezgan simpatizē.
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[Feb. 16th, 2021|01:47 pm]
Man tikko piezvanīja mana dārgā drawdzene Evija. Vinja īstenībā zvanīja kādam citam, bet nejauši piezvanījās man. :)Es viņu ļoti mīlu :) jo viņa ir īsts draugs un pievilcīga sievišķā izpausme. Parasti cilvēki mani nesaprot, bet viņa mani saprot. Agnese Bērziņa teica, ka pēdējās dzīvēs mani nesaprata. Bet šajā mani arī lielākoties nesaprot. Es ļoti novērtēju un man daudz nozīmē cilvēki, kas ir man draugi un kuri mani saprot vai aizstāv utt. Šādi cilvēki ir tas dēļ kā es vēl dzīvoju.
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