sickboy - December 30th, 2020 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 30th, 2020

[Dec. 30th, 2020|03:12 pm]
This is.. huh... wow.
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[Dec. 30th, 2020|04:03 pm]
Laikam heroīns un alkohols ir sievišķā enerģija un stimulanti (amfetamīns, metamfetamīns) - vīrišķā. Tas jau tagad pat bērnam skaidrs.
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[Dec. 30th, 2020|05:58 pm]
Why in death, my friend, and only in death?
Why do you dive into the river of forgetfulness?
Why in darkness, my friend, and only in darkness,
do you seek the friendly warmth of the light?
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