sickboy - November 25th, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 25th, 2019

[Nov. 25th, 2019|03:03 am]
Visi cilveeki, iznjemot mani, baigi sapistie izstaas.
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[Nov. 25th, 2019|01:24 pm]
My view of what constitutes a positive, loving and forgiving spiritual path is quite different than what we see in most organized religions. Those within religious circles often see themselves as spiritual elites, and all others as being ignorant, objectionable, even doomed. As aspects of the dogma are challenged, their answer is often to respond with forceful condemnation and shame-dumping rather than healthy debate. Just like "Highly Intelligent Skeptics" on the internet, who claim to be experts in all areas of science and to have a monopoly on Truth, you cannot argue with them.
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