sickboy - April 14th, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 14th, 2017

[Apr. 14th, 2017|12:18 pm]
Alexandra – OK Now Cobra, you kind of dropped a bomb for a lot of people on the liberation blog. You were quoted as saying that “It is about time the illusion of the all powerful Source is shattered forever. The Source is not all powerful within the framework of limited space time continuum. The Source did not create darkness . Suffering is NOT a meaningful part of a of soul growth aberration. Darkness is not needed to be aware of the Light”. A lot of people have written in asking “are we basically, has source been outsmarted? “

Cobra – No, the Source has not been outsmarted, but as I have stated, there is so much false understanding of the role of the Source in the whole process. The Source did not create darkness. Darkness was, I would say spontaneously the station of a random function which existed as a quantum potentiality and that quantum potentiality made manifest when free will beings decided to use it and exploit and explore it. (hmmm) so Evil was a result of free will interacting with that darkness. That has nothing to do with the source. The source did not have absolute power over that potentiality and that free will and within the space/time continuum so it takes time to absorb and transform that darkness and evil into light once again. The source is not all powerful and omnipotent in space/time continuum as you can see in everyday life.
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