[Aug. 15th, 2016|04:30 pm] |
Šī diena ir nedaudz depresīva, jo 1)Linda dzirdēja, ka šī māja ir jau pārdota citiem cilvēkiem, 2)mana sievišķā enerģija nerod harmoniju ar viņas sievišķo enerģiju. Man ideāla sieviete šajā ziņā būtu gejs sievietes ķermenī (kāda bija Marta) un Linda tāda nav. Varbūt tas nav tik svarīgi. Un beigās es pateicu: "Es esmu nelaimīgs", es gribēju raudāt, bet nevarēju. Tad es sarāvos embrija pozā un viņai kāds piezvanīja. Es uzvilku zābakus un lietusmēteli un izgāju ārā. Es vairs negribu viņai pieskarties. |
[Aug. 15th, 2016|04:44 pm] |
Lasot ziņas, padomā nevis par to, kas tur ir rakstīts, bet drīzāk par to, kā tur trūkst. Kā piemēram, nemieri Ēģiptē. Es zinu, ka jums, mietpilsoņiem, pārsvarā galīgi neinteresē, kas notiek Ēģiptē, jo jūs domājat tikai par sevi un savu ģimeni nevis par pasauli. Bet tiem, kam interesē: interesanti, ka neviens žurnālists nav skaidri uzrakstījis vai pats painterseējies, KĀPĒC Ēģiptē tika gāzts islāmistu prezidents un ko pārstāv Musulmaņu Brālība? Un kas ir tie, kas viņu gāza? Vai īsti žurnālisti vēl pastāv vai tikai copy-paste robotiņi? Lūk, raksts par tēmu: "(...)This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons, supported by the human masses. The action was triggered on July 3rd, which is the moment of Sun-Sirius conjunction, a very powerful Isis portal. It is interesting to note that the name of the Egyptian General Sisi is an anagram of Isis. Mass invocations of Goddess energy have supported the operation of the Light forces and ensured stability and peace throughout the process. This was one of the main rehearsals for the Event. The experience at the Event will be similar in a way, although it will happen on a scale hundred times larger. The Resistance has gathered a lot of precious intel about the behavior of human population in situations like this, which will be very useful in fine-tuning the masterplan for the Event. Although a big victory has been achieved, the story is not over yet. Egypt still has Rothschild-controlled central bank. The Light forces suggest a creation of independent central bank of Egypt which will ensure true independence from the Cabal. The Cabal might try to destabilize the liberation process in Egypt by trying to bribe the military, by supporting the formation of Muslim Brotherhood militias, by manipulating the election process, creating false flag attacks and trying to ignite a civil war." http://2012portal.blogspot.com/ |