sickboy - February 28th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 28th, 2015

[Feb. 28th, 2015|09:19 pm]
[music |Morrissey - You Should Have Been Nice To Me]

Liela dalja Moriseja (The Smiths) dziesmu tekstu un nosaukumu ir par manu emo dabu. "Morrissey's lyrics have been described as "dramatic, bleak, funny vignettes about doomed relationships, lonely nightclubs, the burden of the past and the prison of the home."
Bet Santa pazinjoja, ka mana balss ir labaakaa, ko vinja ir dzirdeejusi savaa dziivee un vinja to domaaja nopietni.
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[Feb. 28th, 2015|11:41 pm]
[music |Morrissey - Let me kiss you]

Es tikko saaku raudaat pie shitaas dziesmas

Say, would you let me cry on your shoulder
I've heard that you'll try anything twice
Close your eyes and think of someone you physically admire
And let me kiss you, let me kiss you
But then you open your eyes and you see someone that you physically despise
But my heart is open, my heart is open to you.
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