sickboy - June 16th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 16th, 2014

[Jun. 16th, 2014|12:39 pm]
At least some UFOs are actual physical craft of advanced technology from some place that isn't here. This much we know.

Still, most of us want the acknowledgement of UFO/ET reality by someone in a position of public trust. That statement will prove to your friends and your family that you're not crazy. A little vindication would certainly make my own life easier, that's for sure.

But that's not the main reason we want Disclosure. We want it because we want all the facts on the table, not just the ones we're allowed to see outside the umbrella of national security. Such an act of coming clean will move the world out of the old denial phase and into the new acceptance phase, and transform everything. We realize that if the status quo is maintained, the way things are currently set up, many of us are apt to go to our graves knowing that this phenomenon is real but not knowing what UFOs truly represent and why they are actually here. The universe, apparently, holds many, many secrets and at least some of them are being kept from us, illegally and immorally.

While the source is debated, either astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington or biologist J.B.S. Haldane or theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg said words to this effect: “Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.”

Given the difficulty in determining the exact source of a famous quotation, it is probably a fool’s errand to attempt to explain what is really going on with humanity in terms of our place in the universe and contact with non-human life -- particularly if what little is known is being withheld from you. Still, that's the situation we're in now. We're being forced to guess at the secrets of the universe. For many of us, this pursuit goes from being endlessly fascinating to simply frustrating over the course of years of interest.

We want to know what the people who are "in the know" actually know on this topic. At the very least, we want to know what we know and what we don't know so we can at least try to imagine how strange the universe is for ourselves. This knowledge of where we stand is a basic human right that we are being denied.
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[Jun. 16th, 2014|02:19 pm]
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