sickboy - May 25th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 25th, 2014

[May. 25th, 2014|08:59 am]
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[May. 25th, 2014|04:37 pm]
Paldies par kristaaliskajaam ENERGJIJAAM.
Like I said, you are your own master. Do what you will. If I was evil would I say that? No. Would I make all my videos of cosmic knowledge, never once telling people to leave the Earth, if I was evil? No. So how can George think I am evil unless he is deceived.

Do your own thing. My teachings come from my direct experience. I looked at the highest spirituality I could find and there I discovered a magical existential technology. Very advanced. Looks real. I write about it in my books, extensively.

You have a good heart. Use it well. Paris
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