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Oct. 23rd, 2012|07:36 pm

Dr. Chet Snow describes two different regions of time on which he focussed: 2100 to 2200 AD and 2300 to 2400 AD.62 At these times, the population is only about two billion, and there seems to be four different societies. Twenty-five percent of the test group whom he progressed into the future found themselves either living on a space station orbiting Earth or on another planet. Their society was high tech and had contact with friendly extraterrestrials. Thirty-percent of the group lived on Earth in a high tech society with machines, and they lived in domes or underground. They wore jumpsuits and did not seem happy. Eighteen percent of the group were vegetarians, wore lose, flowing robes, and lived happily in harmony with nature. Twenty percent of the group lived in small rustic towns resembling villages of the 19th century. They wore jeans, boots, and tunics, raising farm animals and eating meat. A small percentage of the experimental group reported living in the ruins of major cities like New York and existing in a primitive fashion.
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