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Anton LaVey Oct. 9th, 2012|08:35 pm

Anton may have worshiped Satan, but Satan didn’t do anything much for Anton but abuse him.

I know I keep harping on this point, but those who choose to serve “Satan” (a reptilian pretender in a Satan costume) aren’t going to fare very well, since the reptilians detest humans and will relish the opportunity to punish that human for his sins. I would strongly advise against selling your soul to the devil.

That doesn’t just mean the hype and negative glamour of satanic ritual, that means any activity that helps to enslave, or abuse the human race or planet Earth.

I know a Christian minister whose husband works at Raytheon in Tucson. Raytheon is a big part of the war machine. But I’m sure he gets a very nice paycheck and a lucrative benefit package. Maybe he only makes a widget and so can separate himself from the ultimate final product, missiles that burn, kill, and destroy living things here.

The Christian minister can stand before the congregation and preach the words of Jesus, to not kill, love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek and all of that and not ponder that her husband gets a paycheck for producing objects that cause mass murder.

Serving Satan can mean many things and those who do, won’t be punished by God, they’ll be abused by the reptilians as they have always abused those whom they have corrupted.
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