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May. 27th, 2034|04:11 pm

We hereby strip the rights of world governments, especially the USA, to decide for their people the legality and availability of drugs and plant medicines.
We do not need corrupt doctors to tel us if we are in need or qualified to use a medication, we have the internet for fucks sake and that makes doctors obsolete for nearly all things except surgery.
The war on drugs is over, the war on natural plant medicine is over. People have a right to get high if they are not interfering with the rights of others. otherwise end the hypocrisy and make alcohol illegal since it is by far the most dangerous of all the popular recreational substances.
We also have a right to treat any sickness or illness that we perceive that we have our own damn selves with any medication from plant or chemical that we deem fit.
We do not need a bunch of 1/2 witted, falsely proud of themselves, horrible at healing but great at harming people that we have called "Doctors" to give us their 'not worth the toilet paper they wiped their ass with' opinion and have it become cosmic law as to our rights.
I declare war on the war on drugs and plant medicine and openly state that all who support these dark agendas as well as the continuance of the corrupt medicinal systems are the mortal enemy of we, myself and I.
It is the ugliness of your world that creates addicts! Addiction is a disease and all diseases have a source. Well I just named the source of the disease of addiction and there is not one holy 5th dimensional thread in my being that even whispers of the possibility of me being wrong about this.
How many are rotting in prison as we speak for the "horrible crime" of doing whatever they can to escape the hell with which they were confined since birth? How about we feel sorry for them, love them and heal them? Why would we condemn or torture them or strip their rights if they are not infringing on ours?
Seriously - WTF???
I expect to see enough progress in this direction to where I am never pulled out of my heart core to think about something so obvious and corrupt and yet allowed to be again.
Until then all from the top to the bottom this corrupt chain of laws and enforcement will have their lives systematically ruined by the cords of Karma - the nickname of a band of avenging angels.

(Michael Monk)
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