Jul. 10th, 2009|06:20 am |
Garīgās dzīves pašā sākumā (ko vēl nevar nosaukt par garīgo dzīvi, bet drīzāk par skatiena pavēršanu uz to) cilvēkam liekas, ka viņam par sevi jādomā tikai labas domas un cik viņš ir samērā labā līmenī un ar labām īpašībām. Attīrīšanās sākas ar to, ka viņš neizvairās un nebaidās ieraudzīt sevī visus tos mēslus, kas patiesībā ir. Un viņš var atklāt patiesi briesmīgas lietas. Un tāpat ir ar pasaules ļaunumu. Pirmajā stadijā cilvēks atsakās ticēt, ka ļaunums pastāv. Ja cilvēks tikai tikko sācis vispār domāt par Dievu, tas ir normāli, ka viņš sāks ar Dievu nevis pretējo.
"Now more than ever we must recognize that there are trigger mechanisms programmed into us which are meant to keep us in perpetual bondage. Whether your particular vulnerability is over-eating, substance abuse (especially crank or crystal meth which is the drug of choice of the dark gods) promiscuity, love obsessions et al., it's all spawned from the same source. This is all predictable. What is also predictable is that there will be "people" in your life who will characterize you as being "fear based" and "spiritually unevolved" merely because you have the self worth and the self respect to want to get at the truth of your experiences. Don't listen to these weather-beaten New Age La Dee Dahs. The latter are merely useful idiots. They are members of the "Muppet Show" meant to keep you under the control of the dark side. Now is the time to proclaim our personal sovereignty and throw off the yoke of spiritual enslavement and cosmic vassalage and give our children and our children's children a fighting chance to break out of this mess." |