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Mar. 24th, 2024|07:59 am

- Shit’s hitting the fan. A lot of stuff is coming out. The newspapers and the news stations are going to go nuts. The Deep State might try an assassination attempt. They’re going to try to take out some people. The SEAL teams, the SWAT teams, the Dark Ops, the snipers, the rangers, the Delta Force, they’re all behind Trump and they’re ready to go hunting. As soon as the Deep State pokes up its head, the military is going to play Whack-a-Mole.
- Tell me about this assassination attempt.
- Anytime you back a feral animal into a corner, it’s going to do something stupid. They have no defense and nowhere to go. You’re going to see something stupid out of the Dark State very shortly. Then, you’re going to see the American Military squash it like a bug.
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